The average time between grooming’s is every 4 to 8 weeks. This of course depends on breed, how long you’d like to leave the hair etc. We have several clients who come in every two weeks, alternating a full groom and a bath and brush. It comes down to how fresh and clean you like your pet to look and smell.
We never use sedatives ourselves. If your pet gets stressed when getting groomed, you can give them a Benadryl to help calm them. In some cases, sedatives are necessary but should be discussed with your veterinarian. We highly recommend CBD! Daily use of a well trusted CBD oil (which we do sell in store) or feeding your pets products with CBD in them will not only help calm your animals during the grooming process and in daily life, but also help with so many other health issues such as seizures!
Animals are very intelligent. In a lot of cases pets come in and “put on a show” for their owners and as soon as they leave, they calm down and act right at home. Some pets are very nervous creatures. If this is the case with your pet, a change of scenery can cause a little anxiety. They know that visiting the salon can be associated with separation from their owners and exposure to various equipment such as dryers and clippers. It usually subsides after coming in and getting aquatinted with the staff as well as other animals. Think of how you felt when you started school for the first time. Some kids were very outgoing and could care less they were meeting new people and in a new environment, but others were very shy and it took a while for them to warm up. We take the time to build rapport with your pet, ensuring that they are comfortable and happy because we don’t like seeing them shake and be nervous either.
In some cases, if your pet has small tangles rather than tight mats they can be brushed out. In most cases, however, if you waited a long period of time between grooming’s or didn’t take the time to properly brush your pet, their fur will become too tightly matted. You cannot cut through mats, you have to cut under them. Therefore if the mat is tight on the skin, we have to cut under it which results in the fur being cut short. Brushing mats out is very painful for your pet. It can cause brush burn from too much pulling and scratching with the brush. If you want your pet to have a long coat, it is a good idea to get them in every 4 to 6 weeks and to brush them at least 3 times a week. If your pet isn’t fully brushed out and you bathe them at home, as soon as water hits the mat it makes it that much tighter. It is a good idea to let us wash them after we have throughly brushed them out.
A simple slicker brush will do the trick. Obviously you want to be mindful when using it because it does have metal bristles, but getting your pets’ coat brushed out to the skin keeps it from getting matted. A comb with small to medium teeth is good for going through the coat after you have brushed it to make sure you didn’t miss any tiny pin mats. Remember, brush everywhere! Think of what would happen if you only brushed half of your hair. The other half would eventually turn into dreadlocks.
YES, it is very important! If these glands are not emptied out, they may become impacted which is extremely painful. It may also cause an infection which could result in your pet getting the E-Coli bacteria.
It is not difficult to do, but it can be a bit tricky. You must be careful not to squeeze or pinch the glands because this may result in bruising. The contents within the glands are very stinky and can squirt in all different directions. You can try this at home, but we would be more than happy to take care of the issue where we have a tub, with soap and water.


Bowser Bubbles Pet Salon.
5423 Manhart Street
Sedalia, CO 80135
Hours of Operation.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 8:00 am to 2:30/3:30
Tuesday & Thursday | 9:00 am to 4:30/5:30
Saturday | 9:00 am to 3:00/4:00
Phone | 303-888-1792